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Keogh 12 Nudges - Google Acquire FitBit

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12 Holiday Nudges: Is Google’s Fitbit acquisition healthy?

Nudge 3: Google and Fitbit

Somewhat concerningly, “Don’t be evil” is no more. Google’s amended ethos is communicated in their latest advertising campaign; that they’re about being ‘helpful.’ Directions to your destination, the weather report… oh, and the world’s knowledge base in the palm of your hand. Now with the acquisition of Fitbit, they have a seamless entry into the wearable (and health) market.

Of course, Google has the capacity to make some pretty impressive kit – such as the Pixel phone and Chromebooks – but these are mostly made by third parties under licence and come with staggering R&D investment. Besides, what they really care about is data.

Google headquarters in King’s Cross, London.

That’s what Fitbit does well: gather health data. The buyout allows Google/Alphabet to enter the wearable market, acquiring health and wellness data in the process, and deepen relationships with their already enormous customer base.

This shows the power of strategic partnerships. Relationships are key to growth, so strive to understand what markets you want access to, then identify who you might partner with for easy access. Doing so is most definitely helpful.

Who are your top three potential partnerships? How would you help them?  What partnerships will complement or enhance your organisation’s capabilities?


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